Tuesday 30 October 2007

What are you reading?

I finished the Georgette Heyer and have started reading a book I got out the library called A Spectacle of Corruption by David Liss. I read the prequel to this book and loved it. It won some award which normally puts me off. It is about a Jewish ex boxer who is a thief taker in eighteenth century London. A bit of a Dog Bounty Hunter for the 1700's

Does anyone know of a book site where you can find similar book reviews? I can't explain it very well, but I would like to go to a site where they say "Oh, if you liked The Jane Austen Book Club, then you will also like these books."

Sunday 28 October 2007

Half an ounce...

...of Old Holborn and a packet of Liquorice papers please.

It's six years this week since I gave up smoking and I could still easily revert.

Wednesday 24 October 2007


I downloaded Firefox and am now able to post. However, I am thinking of getting a Virgin package and getting rid of aohell anyway.

Events of the week.

  • Went to Weston Super Mud yesterday and did all the obligatory cold day at the sesaside kinda things.
  • Managed to squeeze into a size 12 pair of jeans from Next.
  • Stew got sent off at football on Saturday which is very annoying considering it is a £40 fine for a straight red card.
  • Went up to Westbury White Horse today and Lizzy sat on the horses ear. Then we flew a kite and played football.
Events expected this week are that...
Stews only sister is expecting her first baby and it is already one day overdue.
I thought I might take Lizzy to see Ratatouille tomorrow as she has never been to the pictures before.

Schell...I finished The Other Boleyn Girl. I quite enjoyed it, even though it was historically incorrect. Did you like it?I understand it is to be made into a film with Scarlett Johanssen.

I have started a new book. It is a Gorgette Heyer. Anything good enough for Stephen Fry is good enough for me.

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Smells like Teen Spirit

At work this week, we had a large perfume and aftershave delivery. The closer to Christmas we get, the more the scents come in. I was putting them all out on display and realised we had a few new ones in stock, as well as some older ones that I thought we wouldn't be seeing again. How horrific are they?

If you wanna smell like you stay in every Saturday night and watch crappy TV - XFactor... Got what it takes?
For that "Completely lost your marbles" aroma - M by Mariah Carey
For the girl who pines to be a racist - Jade Goody - Shhhh!
Would like to be the Queen of Chavs? - Colleen
Want a gert fat butt? - JLo Glow
And ultimately, to smell like a girl whose kids are in care - Britney Spears - Curious.

I'll stick to my faithful Nina Ricci, and not aspire to be a somebody.

Saturday 13 October 2007

Benjamin Franklin...a secret Brit?

"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Benjamin Franklin

What a very cool bloke. And one of my favourite quotes. My other favourite quote, by, of course, Dickens is...

"Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with friendship and pass the rosy wine"

And both of them involve alcohol. Double points bonus.

Monday 8 October 2007

What would you do...?

My father was adopted when he was two years old. He, and most of his adoptive family are dead, he has one living sister (not blood sister, lovely lady). I have recently found out the name of his real mother. She was born in 1917, so unlikely to be alive. But might well have some descendants or other relatives that are. Would you delve further or leave well alone?

Wednesday 3 October 2007

I bloody well hate...

Moustaches. On men and/or women.
Waiters/Waitresses who say "Enjoy!" when putting your food in front of you.
Children sucking their thumbs.
Women who breastfeed four year olds in public.
Men with ponytails..long hair is acceptable...it's when you tie it up it makes you look like a loser.
People whining because they are tired (There are children dying all over the world, wars, famine and catastrophes...so shut the fuck up moaning).

Anyone sugesting I might be a tad menopausal will be hung, drawn and quarted at dawn.