Saturday 29 December 2007


I have joined Facebook. No idea why, really, just that everyone else seems to be doing it, and I must be a sheep.

I have, however joined two excellent groups...

1) Campaign to make James Blunt cockney rhyming slang


2) On behalf of England, I hereby apologise for Lily Allen.

Let me know if you are on there, I would love to add you as a friend as I am a Billy No Mates.

Thursday 27 December 2007


I was going to brave the sales today...but we all have lurgies. Coughs, colds and high temperatures. And I think know who we caught it from, so I shall be paying her back after I have thought of a suitable revenge.

Sunday 23 December 2007

Best Christmas Songs?

Fairytale of New probably the best Christmas song in the world ever. I miss Kirsty...she rocked.

And God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen the best Christmas Carol. Reminds me of Dickens. Who definitely rocked.

Thursday 20 December 2007

...and down the Mountainside

We went to Ireland for the weekend. First time we ever took Lizzy on a plane...she loved it. Wanted to jump out and bounce on the clouds. It was for a family members 21st birthday - and a great time was had by all. Although the monster in law insisted she had a 24 hour bug, I think it was probably the copious amounts of cider upsetting her tummy.

We nearly didn't go, spent two and a half hours looking for passports, and by the end I was almost sobbing hysterically.

My diet has gone completely by the wayside. I have been out for a ridiculous amount of meals and am out for a drinking session on Saturday night. So the diet will have to be (for the millionth year running) the New Years Resolution.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Tuesday 11 December 2007 my two front teeth

Dear Father Christmas.

I don't want much this year. However, I have been a good girl and so deserve decent presents.

What I would like is

  • One of those over the door Christmas card holders that are out of stock everywhere
  • A tummy tuck
  • Face lift and/or chemical peel
  • Some nice time off with my family
  • a box of brandy liqueurs
  • Phish Food ice cream
  • My mum home for Christmas
  • A whole new wardrobe that doesn't need ironing
  • Zelda for the Nintendo DS
  • A new job
Thanks F.C.


Thursday 6 December 2007

Sunday 2 December 2007

Billy, don't be a hero...

I am not dead, but my modem is dying.

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Of Lions, Witches and Wardrobes.

I love this book dedication....

My Dear Lucy,
I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realised that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think about it. I shall probably be too old to understand a word you say, but I shall still be
your affectionate Godfather,

How fabulous to have a book dedicated to you.

Friday 16 November 2007

Strawberry Fields Forever

Things going on...
  • Had Lizzy's first parents evening, and she isn't letting me down.
  • Had my first exam and got 95%. Feel like a teenager again :oD
  • Bought a Christmas present, so that's it, I've finally started.
  • Children in Need night tonight, so that'll be another night of watching Terry's syrup swarthing around.
  • Taking Lizzy for a jab this morning. I haven't told her where we are going yet. I might just tell her "It's a surprise!"
  • Bought the new Harry Potter DVD but haven't had chance to sit and watch it yet.
  • Saw "The Devil Wears Prada" - thought it was fair.
  • Went out to lunch and stuffed myself with pizza and salad.
  • Have been closely following a local story where residents are kicking up about Jane Seymour being a loud and noisy neighbour. Apparently, they preferred Robbie Williams, who was quieter and more sensitive to the local population!
  • Have taped last nights Never Mind the Buzzcocks and am so glad the funniest programme on TV is back on

Sunday 11 November 2007

The English Patient

Yesterday, I watched the English Patient, and sobbed for hours.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Dizzy Miss Lizzy

I am sat in the library waiting for my tutor to come back from lunch. She is supposed to be teaching me, not munching on a Tuna and Sweetcorn sandwich. Anyway, whilst here, I have been looking through the classical Cd's and am going to borrow a Wagner one. I might have to change allegiance from Mozart. Inspector Morse would have been horrified.

Lizzy met the new baby for the first time last night. I think she quite liked him, even after her first revulsion at him being a boy.

Sunday 4 November 2007

Hair of the Dog

I am feeling extremely fragile today, as last night I went out and had far too much to drink. I slept with a sick bowl, but didn't have to use it. Why do I do it? It is so rare that I drink, so when I do, I am a useless drinker. I did, however, have a fabulous time! Twelve of us (all girls) went to see a sort of cousin by marriage of mine in a cabaret show. It is quite funnily smutty and they have great singing voices.

Anyway...over to the monster in law for Sunday Roast now. If me stomach will take it.

Friday 2 November 2007

Fee Fi Fo Fum...

My sister-in-law yesterday gave birth to my first nephew. A little baby boy called Curtis James. When I say little baby boy, I mean giant baby. Ten pounds, fourteen and a half ounces. After all the horrible things that have happened to this family this year, we needed a good thing.

Thursday 1 November 2007

First Trick or Treating

The scariest look she could manage.

Tuesday 30 October 2007

What are you reading?

I finished the Georgette Heyer and have started reading a book I got out the library called A Spectacle of Corruption by David Liss. I read the prequel to this book and loved it. It won some award which normally puts me off. It is about a Jewish ex boxer who is a thief taker in eighteenth century London. A bit of a Dog Bounty Hunter for the 1700's

Does anyone know of a book site where you can find similar book reviews? I can't explain it very well, but I would like to go to a site where they say "Oh, if you liked The Jane Austen Book Club, then you will also like these books."

Sunday 28 October 2007

Half an ounce...

...of Old Holborn and a packet of Liquorice papers please.

It's six years this week since I gave up smoking and I could still easily revert.

Wednesday 24 October 2007


I downloaded Firefox and am now able to post. However, I am thinking of getting a Virgin package and getting rid of aohell anyway.

Events of the week.

  • Went to Weston Super Mud yesterday and did all the obligatory cold day at the sesaside kinda things.
  • Managed to squeeze into a size 12 pair of jeans from Next.
  • Stew got sent off at football on Saturday which is very annoying considering it is a £40 fine for a straight red card.
  • Went up to Westbury White Horse today and Lizzy sat on the horses ear. Then we flew a kite and played football.
Events expected this week are that...
Stews only sister is expecting her first baby and it is already one day overdue.
I thought I might take Lizzy to see Ratatouille tomorrow as she has never been to the pictures before.

Schell...I finished The Other Boleyn Girl. I quite enjoyed it, even though it was historically incorrect. Did you like it?I understand it is to be made into a film with Scarlett Johanssen.

I have started a new book. It is a Gorgette Heyer. Anything good enough for Stephen Fry is good enough for me.

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Smells like Teen Spirit

At work this week, we had a large perfume and aftershave delivery. The closer to Christmas we get, the more the scents come in. I was putting them all out on display and realised we had a few new ones in stock, as well as some older ones that I thought we wouldn't be seeing again. How horrific are they?

If you wanna smell like you stay in every Saturday night and watch crappy TV - XFactor... Got what it takes?
For that "Completely lost your marbles" aroma - M by Mariah Carey
For the girl who pines to be a racist - Jade Goody - Shhhh!
Would like to be the Queen of Chavs? - Colleen
Want a gert fat butt? - JLo Glow
And ultimately, to smell like a girl whose kids are in care - Britney Spears - Curious.

I'll stick to my faithful Nina Ricci, and not aspire to be a somebody.

Saturday 13 October 2007

Benjamin Franklin...a secret Brit?

"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Benjamin Franklin

What a very cool bloke. And one of my favourite quotes. My other favourite quote, by, of course, Dickens is...

"Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with friendship and pass the rosy wine"

And both of them involve alcohol. Double points bonus.

Monday 8 October 2007

What would you do...?

My father was adopted when he was two years old. He, and most of his adoptive family are dead, he has one living sister (not blood sister, lovely lady). I have recently found out the name of his real mother. She was born in 1917, so unlikely to be alive. But might well have some descendants or other relatives that are. Would you delve further or leave well alone?

Wednesday 3 October 2007

I bloody well hate...

Moustaches. On men and/or women.
Waiters/Waitresses who say "Enjoy!" when putting your food in front of you.
Children sucking their thumbs.
Women who breastfeed four year olds in public.
Men with ponytails..long hair is's when you tie it up it makes you look like a loser.
People whining because they are tired (There are children dying all over the world, wars, famine and shut the fuck up moaning).

Anyone sugesting I might be a tad menopausal will be hung, drawn and quarted at dawn.

Saturday 29 September 2007

Little House...

Once, at when my daughter was at nursery and two years old, one of the ladies there said to me "She doesn't share very well, does she?" I replied "No, I'm modelling her on Nellie Olsen"

Which leads me to the question, if you were a film or tv character, who would you be? I myself, like to think I am a copy of Ouiser Boudreaux from Steel Magnolias :o)

Wednesday 26 September 2007


I am the most unbelieving person I know when it comes to ghosts, spirits and psychic abilities. However (You knew there was going to be a however, didn't you?!) Some friends recently went to a psychic night, where a guy correctly talked about a van crash. He got names, places and the whole incident correct. Even down to a poem the victims daughter had written. It spooked me completely (The victim was my ex brother in law, and my ex husband was driving). What do you think? Is there trickery to this...or is it real? I had my palm read once, it it was a total travesty!


p.s. Anyone who watched Doc Martin this week will have noted that Louisa was wearing my lovely Laura Ashley fish print skirt that Mrs Weasley was so mean about. I always knew I had good taste.

Thursday 20 September 2007

The McCanns

I don't like jumping on the bandwagon. However, Madeline is almost to the day the same age as Lizzy. And I have followed this case like I have never followed a news story before. I turn the TV on all the time to see any updates.

1) Even if you were a total nonbeliever in God, would you be able to sit in front of the Pope and ask for his prayers if you had killed your own child? Purposely or accidentally?

2) How would you manage to stay so calm and well dressed and made up if your child was missing?

3) If one parent had killed her, then both had.

4) When I was a child and we used to go to Pontins on holiday, we were left alone in chalets. In the "ballroom" they would be a flashing light saying things like "Child crying in Chalet 29". Perhaps it is different in this day and age. But none of us are perfect parents.

5) I almost hope that the McCanns did kill her. Because if they did, it sounds as if it was accidentally. Which means she died in her sleep. And the alternatives don't bear thinking about.

6) If they didn't kill their daughter, then we are treating these victims of a terrible crime, appallingly.

7) On what evidence do we have to take the twins away?

8) When we are on holiday, we get Lizzy to sleep for an hour in the late afternoon so that she can stay up later. We can then all go out together.

Sunday 16 September 2007

Evil Woman who should be Destroyed

WEASLEMUM [13:16]: I am getting a tattoo I take bacxk everything I said to you Clank Napper [13:25]: that's disgusting. I spent ages deliberating and threw the design stew made me especially away. I hope it goes manky and your foot drops off.WEASLEMUM [13:27]: I am only getting a little neWEASLEMUM [13:27]: wanna see it Clank Napper [13:27]: mine was only small. I didnt get one. cos you told me not to.WEASLEMUM [13:27]: well you shouldn;t they are vileClank Napper [13:27]: yes. i shall be mean about it.WEASLEMUM [13:28]: down the side of my footWEASLEMUM [13:28]: I am getting it don in a fornight at mennas houseClank Napper [13:29]: that is where i was getting mine done! horrible woman.WEASLEMUM [13:29]: lolClank Napper [13:29]: i am blogging this conversation.

Thursday 13 September 2007

Yellow Submarine

I have enrolled in a college course and have already started. It's a sort of word processing, clait, spreadsheet type of course. I can do a lot of it already, but need qualifications in it if I want to get a better job. Which I desperately do. I don't hate my job at Asda, but I now need to get back to a real job. I do not want to go back to my previous career, I fancy a little office/admin kinda job in a little office/admin kinda place! So Schell, to answer your previous question, sadly no. Not a lot of time for reading just now! But I am about a quarter of the way through The Other Boleyn Girl and love it. I usually like to read 18th/19th century novels, but I love the way Ms Gregory writes.

Monday 10 September 2007

First Day

First day went well. She didn't cry at all, just marched straight in and wouldn't let me help her hang her coat or anything motherly. I only welled up a bit. I have a big concern that there are 7 girls in the class and 18 boys....but there isn't a lot I can do about it. I solemnly swear this will be last Lizzy post in eons.

Food for Thought

Went to see UB40 last night at Bowood (Which is a stately home, and a gorgeous setting) . It was fab but freezing. They are truly wonderful. And yes, I did cry when they played Kingston Town. I think I might have another crying day in store today :o)

Friday 7 September 2007


I have been busy all week as it is Lizzys last week home before she starts I have been trying to do something nice with her the whole time. I am gutted she is going, I like her home with me. But she is very ready to go, bored at home and needs more company of children her own age. I too am off to do a college course, so it is hopefully onwards and upwards for us both. The hours she will be doing for the first six weeks are unpredictable, random and extremely annoying. I have no idea how mothers that work in the day cope with child care during the first half of the term.
Anyway, come next Monday, I will be sobbing all the way home from dropping her off for the first time. She won't. I haven't forgotten her first day at nursery when she wouldn't even say goodbye to me, she just went straight in and started playing.

Dizzy's a stroppy madam. I wish her teacher all the Best of British luck.

Sunday 2 September 2007

I am reading...

The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory. At least, I bought it at a boot sale today for 20p, so I will be starting it shortly. Anyone read it? What are you reading?

Wednesday 29 August 2007

Never trust a woman who...

Doesn't wear lipstick
Doesn't carry a handbag
Wears a shell suit
Has an adams apple
Calls everyone sweetie

Oh no, wait, I do the last one. Scrub that.

Thursday 23 August 2007

Red White and Bl....Beige

Ok. Here is the thing. We have brought the corner sofa back from Ikea and we have bought 2 sets of white washable covers for it. It is still in wrapping in my garage. However, I am having big second thoughts as friends tell me that we won't be able to read a newspaper near it, wear hairspray/mouse/gel anywhere near it and that dye will come off peoples clothes onto it. I am expecting you to decide...Here are your options.
Please note, our walls are magnolia and the carpet is a dark oatmeal.

Monday 20 August 2007

White? Are you totally barking?!

I was sat here waiting for Stew to come back from Ikea with my new white corner sofas, (Yes, the marbles finally went, I am getting white sofas with a four year old) when I flicked the channels and found North by Northwest on TCM. It's not even on my list! How did you miss that one! It is, as Mrs Weasley would say, Tres Bon!

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Frankly my dear...

For the first time ever I have just finished watching Gone with the Wind. I picked up the video at a boot sale for 30p. I've no idea why I haven't seen it before. How fabulous. What a wonderous film. I cried all the way through, and now am going to make it my mission to watch more classic films. Non violent, of course. Suggestions please!

Sunday 12 August 2007

To the male population - apologies

Never trust a man who

1) Sings higher than me (those pesky BeeGees spring to mind)
2) Looks in a mirror more than me (I had this thought after reading the bookshelf)
3) Wear flipflops (Quite frankly, your feet are pig ugly and I do not want to see them)

Any more I should be adding? And to even it up, I will do a "Never trust a woman" blog at a later date.

Friday 10 August 2007

Too Catchy

I have been singing this song for days. I even sing it in my sleep. I haven't had a song through my head as much as this since I heard Rehab for the first time.

YouTube - My Chemical Romance - Teenagers

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Concrete Cows

Last week we went to Milton Keynes. The land of the concrete cow. My mums brother lives there and my cousin lives at Newport
Pagnell. She's just had a baby girl, and we are such a small family, that it has been huge excitement for us.

We stayed in a hotel overnight and went out to eat what seemed like ten times in two days.

Saturday 4 August 2007

What are you reading?

I am currently reading "The English by Jeremy Paxman."

It mostly has terrible review at Amazon, but I didn't read them till after I was lent the book. So I shall probably read it and regret it.

Monday 30 July 2007

It's a Rat Trap, Billy...

I have taken to sifting through videos from the eighties on YouTube. I have spent many a pleasant hour this last week with Big Country, Dire Straits, Madness, The Jam, The Specials, Boomtown Rats and Midge Ure.

Can't decide if the music was better, or the memories were better.

Sunday 29 July 2007

Marian Keyes...the work of the devil?

I can't find anything I want to read. I have a pile of classics upstairs that need some serious consideration. And Memoirs of a Geisha. But I have this terrible urge to read some...

Chick Lit.

Somebody help me.

Saturday 28 July 2007

Princess Tiaamii

Jordan and Peter Andre have named their baby daughter Princess Tiaamii.
Tiaamii - pronounced tee-ah-me - is taken from the names of Andre's mother Thea and Jordan's mother Amy.
Glamour model Jordan - real name Katie Price - explained to OK! magazine: "Her name is Princess Tiaamii. Princess because she is our princess and Tiaamii was Pete's idea because it's taken from our mums' names.
"We've put an accent over the first 'a' to make it a bit more exotic and two 'i's at the end just to make it look a bit different.

"We love it because it's unique, plus it means something special to us. I'm going to get a tattoo on the back of my neck with a crown and 'Princess' underneath."
Former pop star Andre added: "Katie always loved the name Princess but everyone thought it was a bit over the top. I loved it too but I wanted to name her after both our mums and then I just woke up one morning and thought 'I know! We'll just put them together!'.
"If people don't like it, that's up to them. We're really happy and proud."
Princess is the couple's first daughter. She was born three weeks ago and Jordan nicknamed her Bunny.
The glamour model turned novelist considered calling the baby Tinkerbell, she revealed, but rejected it as too many celebrities have chosen it for their dogs.
The pair also have a boy, Junior, while Jordan has another son, Harvey, from a previous relationship with footballer Dwight Yorke.

They also have no taste and a cruel streak.

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Monday 23 July 2007

Half Way

Am halfway through HP. It is very dark as I expected. And two deaths that I didn't want already. Possibly three.

My mum is coming over from Canada for 2 weeks tomorrow so I'm really looking forward to seeing her.

Swimming tonight, have been cleaning all day today, Lizzy watching Basil Brush on the TV. Not much changes. Ho Hum.

Saturday 21 July 2007

Monday 16 July 2007

...and the Deathly Hallows

I have finished my Beryl Bainbridge book and am rereading the Half Blood Prince to remind myself the thread for the next book. Is nobody else as excited as me?

Friday 13 July 2007

Blodwyn Ashley

I have spent hours phoning around Laura Ashley stores to get this skirt in my size....have finally got it. And yes, I know that buying Laura Ashley makes me old. And yes, I know she was Welsh....but I, too, am quarter Welsh. So there we are. I have admitted to being Old and Welsh in one blog. Sorry Kaz.

Monday 9 July 2007

My Dull Life

I have decided that because I cannot compete with Alex in the thrilling life stakes, I should make stuff up.

This morning I have a board meeting with Alan Sugar who wants to talk contracts with me about me being his personal gossip/coffee maker....then this afternoon I will be off to Elizabeth Arden for a complete makeover and tonight I am off out with Kate and Pete for some serious sex, drugs and rock n roll.

Please note that my day will have nothing whatsoever in any shape or form to do with laundry, the nursery run, cookery or cleaning the bathroom.

Friday 6 July 2007

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot

Me sunbathing in all this boiling weather we've been having.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Home, where my thought's escaping....

I live in Frome. It is a small market town on the East edge of Somerset. It dates from 685AD, and has more listed building than any other town in Somerset.

Three miles away from me is Longleat. Twelve miles from me is Bath. Twenty miles away is Glastonbury (my mum lived here a while). Ten miles is Wells. Cheddar and Stonehenge are both 25 miles away, and eight miles away is Warminster, site of one of the biggest Army barracks in the country. (Get back, Alex) We have lots of little villages nearby..including Mells (home of Little Jack Horner) Kilmersdon (home and hill of Jack and Jill) and Norton St Phillip whose pub, The George, holds the longest licence in England (700 years).

Oh my word, how did that last picture get in there?! Mrs Weasley, stop hacking into my blog!

Saturday 30 June 2007


Me and Stew have spent two days in a car together. And I have had a thoroughly nice time. We have been into Bristol, (horrid place) down to Taunton and into Bath, looking for the new car. Dizzy has been at nursery and it has been heaven. We have listened to Dodgy on the cd player, been out to lunch twice and I have nearly finished my Beryl Bainbridge book which I am really starting to love.

On a completely different track...I had a fit of the giggles at work this morning when I realised that in my posting a couple of weeks ago, I forgot to tell you my most important claim to fame!

I went on holiday with the drummer from Paper "Billy Don't be a Hero" Lace. Admittedly, it was to babysit his children. But a fabulous and nearly forgotten claim to fame. I would have hated you to miss out on that one.

Friday 29 June 2007

New car

Sold this ...bought now very very poor.

Sunday 24 June 2007

Three cakes

The whole weekend has been taken up with Dizzys 4th birthday. Somehow, she managed to get three birthday cakes. One, she took to nursery on Friday. One she had at her party yesterday. And the last one she had for her party tea for her actual birthday today. I also had to go the dreaded Yellow M, but they do now provide a rather nice Spicy Beanburger Deli roll, which I had on brown bread. My daughter has gone to bed, full of sugar and probably dreaming of Barbies and Gameboys. As you can see, I bottled out of a proper party, and just took them all to one of those bouncing places that provide it all for you. Stew is now able to drive and has one more week off sick before he can go back to work on light duties. Sadly, whilst he was off we sold the car, but haven't found another one we want.

Friday 22 June 2007

Have a bloomin' bath!

It is Glastonbury Festival again. Or, as I am old, Pilton. I went to work yesterday, and there were a trillion crustys plodding through the tills buying Carlsberg Special Brew, White Lightning, lentils and UHT milk. None of them bought soap or toothpaste I noticed. And how can they smell already? They have only just got here, surely they should have had a shower before they left home!?

Mind, I might be teensy bit jealous. This year they got Amy Winehouse, Arctic Monkeys and Kaiser Cheifs. The novelty act for this year is Shirley Bassey. And I'd love to throw tomatoes at her. Also Lilly Allen is gracing Somerset with her presence. I'm still waiting for Miss Winehouse to give her a well deserved black eye.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Tuesday 19 June 2007

De Plane, De Plane!

I am allegedly geting a tattoo tomorrow. I can't believe I am doing it to be honest. I don't like tattoos on women, I think they look (to be blunt) common. Stew thinks I will chicken out, and he is probably right. But a girl I know had a tattoo that I fell in love with when I saw will try and be brave. Will post pics if I manage to get it done.

Sunday 17 June 2007


I have borrowed an exercise bike. This is because, at least twice a week, me and a few friends do a five mile walk. Last year we walked the Bristol Half Marathon for Breast Cancer Awareness, but this year we haven't planned any sort of sponsored walk. get to the point...when we walk, I am always having to wait for them, they are so slow! This week, however, we went out cycling for a change. The tables completely turned. I struggled. A lot. Twice they had to wait for me, and once I had to get off and push. I refuse to get beaten, so I have borrowed this bike to use whilst watching TV. But somehow, I managed to eat a Snickers bar whilst watching the telly and pedalling. Which is probably defeating the object of the exercise. My friend was going to use it, but she said she refused on the grounds that there wasn't a built in ashtray for her fag.

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Of Tummys and Pink Plasters

Well, I went to my GP yesterday, and as I thought, no chance of getting it done on the NHS. Although, probably, if I was a nineteen year old single depressed mother of five, I'm sure they would have rushed to pay for it for me.

So I will be taking out a loan and paying for it. My doctor thinks that I should get it done if I want, and doesn't think my sticky blood will be a problem, as they can put me back on heparin and warfarin. He is going to contact me today, to give me a list of suitable hospitals. No cowboys are gonna be getting their hands on my lard. I haven't forgotten the Fight Club soap. Also, thought you might like to see a pic of Stew in his pink plaster that he got, as Dizzy insisted on him having pink. And yes, Emma, I would like to claim that purple clematis in the background as mine, but we are over the monster in laws house, and as I am taking the picture, it would be a big lie.

Friday 8 June 2007

Claims to Fame

1) I sat in the tube opposite David Jason once, during his "Sharp intake of Breath" Period.
2) I was looking in a shop window in Shepherds Bush once, and Reg Varney was looking alongside me.
3) I met Richard Stilgoe at a theatre
4) Eddie Kidd bought me a drink
5) Had a really long chat with Liz "Carry On" Fraser outside my old work.
6) At lastly, but by no means leastly, I had tea with Diana Dors when I was seven.

Now then....beat that :oD

Monday 4 June 2007

Cosmetic Surgery - Yes or No?

I have got an appointment to see my doctor next week, due to the fact that I want some cosmetic surgery done. I have been thinking about a tummy tuck for years, I have always had a big tummy even when I was a size 10. After I had Lizzy (emergency caesarian) mine got even worse. I have been to loads of cosmetic surgery websites showing before and after tummy tucks, and I promise you, I'm not exaggerating, I can't find one as bad as mine. I know the chances of me getting one done on the nhs are very slim, but I have a blood condition so I also need to see my GP and ask whether he thinks it sensible. Also, though, due to my blood condition, it is quite dangerous for me to carry weight around my middle. thing is, I can't face anyone else thinking I am pregnant. And the more weight I have lost, the worse it looks.

Another point to note is that I will be taking out a loan to pay for some of it. And lastly, how selfish is cosmetic surgery when there are sick people, and dying children all over the world?

Am very interested to hear what others think of cosmetic surgery, and whether you or anyone else you know had anything done?

Saturday 2 June 2007

So what are you reading?

I went into Bath yesterday and whilst on the way there in the bus, I finished Cider with Rosie. So I went to the pdsa shop and gave them my Laurie Lee book and bought a Beryl Bainbridge book called "According to Queenie".

I thought from the cover it would be the perfect book for me. Alarm bells should have rang when Margaret Atwood is praising it up to the heavens on the cover (I detested the Blind Assasin).

I am sort of enjoying it, but the characters are very vague and it jumps about a lot. I keep thinking that any minute now it will get going. But it doesn't. Has anyone else read anything by her? Apparantly some of her books have been made into films, but I have no idea which they are.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Films I really want to see, but have never got round to watching.

The Remains of the Day
Roman Polanskis Oliver Twist
Finding Neverland
Gosford Park
Miss Potter
Memoirs of a Geisha

I have three of these on dvds waiting to be watched and yet STILL haven't got round to watching them. Which ones aren't even worth bothering with? And hopefully it won't be the ones I have already spent my hard earned money on.

Saturday 26 May 2007

Excellent site!

Food Recipes - VideoJug

Found this great website where you get little video clips of how to cook things. I intend to be a great cook by the end of the month. They also show you how to straighten your hair, dance, mend your car, play poker, everything!

Am I showing my tragic old age?

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Dear Emma...

I have...Honeysuckle, Foxgloves, a Rosetree, Aquilegia (excuse spelling) and the first plant, of which I have absolutely no idea what the hell it is.