Sunday, 12 August 2007

To the male population - apologies

Never trust a man who

1) Sings higher than me (those pesky BeeGees spring to mind)
2) Looks in a mirror more than me (I had this thought after reading the bookshelf)
3) Wear flipflops (Quite frankly, your feet are pig ugly and I do not want to see them)

Any more I should be adding? And to even it up, I will do a "Never trust a woman" blog at a later date.


Anonymous said...

who refers often to "Mother" with a capital "M".

who is a Scorpio.

Anonymous said...

lolol....I never thought of that miss Fez. well said.

I have never read my stars in my life.

Anonymous said...

I think if you just say never trust a man and leave it at that you are about right

Anonymous said...

who dresses better than you do or has a cleaner place than you do.


mavis sidebottom said...

nver trust a man who is shorter than you , oviously thisisn;t a problem for you dear

Clank Napper said...

Actually, I have knwn some extremely untrustworthy midgets.

Anonymous said...

Never trust a man who says 'Absolutely' in answer to every question!!

Anonymous said...

or who says "well, what do you think" whenever you ask him a question. mainly because this just pisses me off.


Anonymous said...

Who doesn't let you come first


schell said...

come where?