Monday, 20 August 2007

White? Are you totally barking?!

I was sat here waiting for Stew to come back from Ikea with my new white corner sofas, (Yes, the marbles finally went, I am getting white sofas with a four year old) when I flicked the channels and found North by Northwest on TCM. It's not even on my list! How did you miss that one! It is, as Mrs Weasley would say, Tres Bon!


Anonymous said...

I think you will find rosa told you to watch all Hitchcocks films

Anonymous said...

what do you plan to do to protect the sofas?


Clank Napper said...

I plan to not let anyone breathe anywhere near them. They are washable and I have a spare set of covers. I will possibly be getting some throws.

I thought North by Northwest was great. I looked it up on Wiki to see if they were really stood on the presidents but it was on a film set.

Also, I always thought it was Jefferson, Adams, Washington and Lincoln. Shows you how much I know.

Clank Napper said...

...could somebody let Rosa know I can't comment on her blog? It just says "Bad Gateway"

I don't know her email address.

Anonymous said...

Some weirdness with my server, Clanky. I am glad you enjoyed North by Northwest. Cary Grant is simply divine in it.

schell said...

You are, indeed, brave. I saw a beautiful butter loveseat that matches the living room furniture I want to get, but I'm too afraid to even try it.

Anonymous said...

i have been in the process of getting a new sofa for the last year. every tim ei pick one, i change my mind. i'm usually easy to please, but i have specific wants. i want a sofa bed, now that the baby is in the spare room, and i want something not ugly and maybe with a lounge on the right side and i need it to cost less than my car. thus i am still using my old sofa.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the white sofas... but saying that when my two were little we had a pastel pink one which lasted 15 years...mind you it wasnt particularly pastel pink by the time we got rid of it!!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of taking back the 2 sets of white covers and replacing them with caramel colour covers.

Anonymous said...

yes, barking would be the word -- lol -- talk about stress!!!!! Seriously, there are great fabric protector sprays, aren't there? And very good upholstery cleaning products. You should be fine. At least your 4 year old is a girl

The Broards said...

Hi Clanky,
What's new?