Saturday, 29 December 2007


I have joined Facebook. No idea why, really, just that everyone else seems to be doing it, and I must be a sheep.

I have, however joined two excellent groups...

1) Campaign to make James Blunt cockney rhyming slang


2) On behalf of England, I hereby apologise for Lily Allen.

Let me know if you are on there, I would love to add you as a friend as I am a Billy No Mates.


Anonymous said...

I can;t be doing with facebook if you want to send me a drink I want ou to ring up dial4drink in richmond and send me a bottle of gin not a pretend fucking cocktail on the interweb

Anonymous said...

That's a no then?

Anonymous said...

that would be a no but I know lots of people who are on it Im sure if you ay then they will be your friend

Anonymous said...

i don't use myspace or facebook because all the little shits i teach use those sites and that's the last thing i need. but i wish you luck with it.


Anonymous said...

I made a page so I could play Scrabble but I discovered I'm really bad at Scrabble, so I haven't looked at the page in a while. If I can remember who I am, I'll send you a friend invite.

The Broards said...

my wayward son has a facebook page. Please tell me if he is up to no good.

Anonymous said...

I'll be your friend Jackie... look for Karen Smith and the pic is full length with a green dress and gold wrap

Roger said...

Clank, darling, Happiest New Year

Anonymous said...

lol -- have to admit that was one of the funniest blog-comment pages ever
many thanks and good luck with facebook