Thursday, 6 December 2007

New Room at the Inn


Brenda said...

very pretty! i love the picture above the fireplace.

Anonymous said...

I can tll you don;t have small boys

Clank Napper said...

My picture above my fireplace is actually broken and I have to replace it. It is only a cheap Ikea thing, but Ikea is 40 miles away and I just haven't got there yet.

I can't believe I was buying a white sofa...what was I thinking? I am glad I got red.

Anonymous said...

It looks very nice Jackie...and you must be popular I only have one xmas card so far!!

schell said...

I like it! Your accessories all look great too!

The Broards said...

I like everything except your big ass coffee table :)


The Broards said...

By the by Clanky . . what's your daughter asking for Christmas? What's the BIG THING in the UK for kids her age?

Clank Napper said...

But the big ass coffee table is also a storage box and hides a multitude of sins.

She is asking for a Nintendo DS in pink. Thankfully, I work for Asda/Walmart who kindly reserved one for me as soon as they arrived, cos now they are out of stock everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Your tv looks as if its hung upside down