Saturday, 5 January 2008

It's behind you!

I took Dizzy to the Pantomime. I bloody hate pantomimes....whoever finds men dressing up as women funny makes me concerned for their sense of humour. There was the usual "Oh no I'm not!" lines and the "It's behind you!" line. I was pleased to see our local little theatre hadn't gone health and safety mad and banned the throwing out of sweets and chocolate, however.

Also, last week, I watched Hot Fuzz and found it highly enjoyable.

...and have just watched Night at the Museum. Ricky Gervais is a god.


Anonymous said...

I have hot fuzz taped to watch but I kep forgetting . I am also a latecomer to shameless but now fel compelled to get the whole series on dvd

Anonymous said...

My best friend loves Shameless....I think you need to watch it from the beginning. I've not seen it.

Anonymous said...

Hot Fuzz is brilliant.. Timothy Dalton makes a much better villian than he did a Bond.

Anonymous said...

Hot Fuzz was easily the funniest movie I watched last year. I must say I love the scene in which Timothy Dalton..."gets his comeuppance."

Anonymous said...

if i undersatood what you typed (and there's a 87% chance i didn't) i think american children's theatre is different but just as bad. little kids are so easy to please, just give them a puppet and a lolly pop and they're fine.
