Friday, 4 April 2008

No-one pushes Billy Hunt around

  • Haven't heard anything regarding the interview I attended. They wanted a helluva lot of work and hours for not a lot of money.
  • Am currently watching the Our Mutual Friend mini series on TCM
  • Went and had lunch this week in a very posh place in Bath
  • School holidays start today. What will I do with my very attention seeking daughter for two whole weeks?
  • Have started my new college course. Am doing databases which in my tragic little way am thoroughly enjoying.
  • Rest of my day involves cleaning and laundry. Extremely dull.
  • If I don't start walking some places instead of driving everywhere, I will become the size of Fatty Arbuckle.
  • My daughter has size 11 feet. Which is only 5 sizes lower than me. That's a worry.


Anonymous said...

Where in Bath did you go?

Anonymous said...

David watts is a Kinks song you know not a Jam one.My kids finish easter holds on monday and I can start shagging again thank god

Clank Napper said...

I love bothe the Billy Hunt and the David Watts songs. If honest, I love all the Jam songs. I have every album in record form and cd form they have made. L.P's and singles. Not because I am an anorak mind you!

Went to Carwardines Karen. Hope you feel better. I read on your blog you have been poorly, but as you know, I can't comment on it.

Just had a messeage on my ansaphone from that job interview, asking me to call them on Monday. But unless they can ofer me jobshare, I will have to say no.

Clank Napper said...

...also, Fez or Emma or anyone...I can't comment on the bookshelf anymore, as my email address has changed. Could one of you please find out my user name and password for me please? And then email me at

Many thanks :o)

Anonymous said...

Clank, I will e-mail you about that.

Anonymous said...

my 5.5 year old niece is only 10 inches shorter than my sister. my niece is very tall for her age and my sister refused to grow after she approached 5'. i love to point this out to my sister just to see her reaction.
