Sunday, 11 November 2007

The English Patient

Yesterday, I watched the English Patient, and sobbed for hours.


mavis sidebottom said...

I watched the parade at the cenotpah this morning,I was Ok til th band played the opening bars of Nimrod then I was a mess til the end. I also want to kill a little twat who insisted on talking all through the twom minutes silence, perhaps if they taught a bit more Hitsory in school and a little less bloody airy fairy crap about shawar Kimzees kids might know what the fucking silence is for , yours Mrs very angry

Anonymous said...

Wow...Alex. We agree on something.

Anonymous said...

sometimes we need to cry. i turn on the hallmark channel when i feel this need or pop in fried green tomatoes.

what was the parade for? and peole who an't stfu when they should piss me off too.


mavis sidebottom said...

Its was rememberence sunda,y every year at 11 /11 at the 11th hour we have two minutes silence to rememeber the war dead in all the wars two minutes in a year isnt too much to say thanks for your sacrifices. They have a big Parade at the cenotaph and all the old forces guys march past they all look so frail now. My dad russian Convoys blokes are down to just 16 marching now

Anonymous said...

They showed it in Canada, 'cos my mum got up at 5.30am to watch it. She cried too.

I have my first exam Wednesday, it is a maths one.